It has been over a year since we first introduced Unplugged with our video, I don’t ever want to be a mother — here’s why. As we explored in the video, choosing to be childfree can be very contentious whether you’re a couple making a conscious decision, or someone who makes YouTube videos for a living 😉😉
Today’s video is a little different. Think of this video as more of a heart-to-heart chat. Just me and you. I’m revisiting some of the common reasons why people choose not to have children and why they may or may not resonate with me.
Yes, I still don’t want to have kids, but the reason I resonate most with might surprise you!
This is a young project in its first year, we are super curious to hear your reaction, feedback, and thoughts, so do not hesitate to write us back to this email.
Thanks for being part of the unplugged tribe ❤
I love your perspective. I also recognized your book reference in the beginning.
I, too, don't desire children for a multitude of reasons. I think society isn't fair towards the people & choices made by these people (I am one of "these" people) based on an age old narrative placed on women.
It's my experience, women in their late 40s have a difficult time being rejected by a man...and to the extent their self denial will offer victim content for a paid officer to allege lies on a guy who calmly let things stay platonic.
The cutting down of true and honourable acts, even sacrificial of self generates work for "authority". By default, tyranny is AIDED by our reproductive dysfunction.
Your content has invited the unexpected interaction with guys...being remote only weeded out the less dedicated of them. It's your trip.