Nice honest video ... but, it sometimes sounds like an excuse from you that you dont want to play the classic family role. Anyway, can't wait for the Q&A session for the fifth anniversary of this channel, where you answer all our questions sitting there with your kids around. 😉
I love your perspective. I also recognized your book reference in the beginning.
I, too, don't desire children for a multitude of reasons. I think society isn't fair towards the people & choices made by these people (I am one of "these" people) based on an age old narrative placed on women.
Almost a year late but here we are. Thanks for your honesty and your inner work in doing so. I wish my parents had done that, altho that simply didnt happen mid last century. That's kinda existential as I shouldn't be here, but here I am. And relating to your return to Poland, I'm facing that big time: I lost all my money and returned "home" as a way mom found 2 help me, billeting me until I find my next chapter. In the process however I'm facing all the family stuff you mention, from self worth to society's pressures. So thanks again as a fellow traveller.
It's my experience, women in their late 40s have a difficult time being rejected by a man...and to the extent their self denial will offer victim content for a paid officer to allege lies on a guy who calmly let things stay platonic.
The cutting down of true and honourable acts, even sacrificial of self generates work for "authority". By default, tyranny is AIDED by our reproductive dysfunction.
Your content has invited the unexpected interaction with guys...being remote only weeded out the less dedicated of them. It's your trip.
thank you for your voice! actually it’s the women who decided to speak about this openly helped me find my peace with it and for that i’m very grateful. for years i’ve felt the pressure to „finally make up my mind” despite not feeling it in my heart. my family with their questions and expectations… my friends with their problems conceiving, saying that it might be too late when i will start trying (i’m 34). damn, that was hard. and i’ve realized that i spend so much of my energy worrying about something i don’t really want… speaking about this out loud was SOOOO LIBERATING! yes, i’m child free, i want to be child free and so does my partner of almost 10 years. we don’t owe people the reason why we chose that way, same as we like some food, and some don’t. sometimes i think i’d love to be older,
40-something or 50-something so that it won’t be a topic anymore and ppl won’t try to convince me to their different opinion :)
Nice honest video ... but, it sometimes sounds like an excuse from you that you dont want to play the classic family role. Anyway, can't wait for the Q&A session for the fifth anniversary of this channel, where you answer all our questions sitting there with your kids around. 😉
I love your perspective. I also recognized your book reference in the beginning.
I, too, don't desire children for a multitude of reasons. I think society isn't fair towards the people & choices made by these people (I am one of "these" people) based on an age old narrative placed on women.
Almost a year late but here we are. Thanks for your honesty and your inner work in doing so. I wish my parents had done that, altho that simply didnt happen mid last century. That's kinda existential as I shouldn't be here, but here I am. And relating to your return to Poland, I'm facing that big time: I lost all my money and returned "home" as a way mom found 2 help me, billeting me until I find my next chapter. In the process however I'm facing all the family stuff you mention, from self worth to society's pressures. So thanks again as a fellow traveller.
It's my experience, women in their late 40s have a difficult time being rejected by a man...and to the extent their self denial will offer victim content for a paid officer to allege lies on a guy who calmly let things stay platonic.
The cutting down of true and honourable acts, even sacrificial of self generates work for "authority". By default, tyranny is AIDED by our reproductive dysfunction.
Your content has invited the unexpected interaction with guys...being remote only weeded out the less dedicated of them. It's your trip.
thank you for your voice! actually it’s the women who decided to speak about this openly helped me find my peace with it and for that i’m very grateful. for years i’ve felt the pressure to „finally make up my mind” despite not feeling it in my heart. my family with their questions and expectations… my friends with their problems conceiving, saying that it might be too late when i will start trying (i’m 34). damn, that was hard. and i’ve realized that i spend so much of my energy worrying about something i don’t really want… speaking about this out loud was SOOOO LIBERATING! yes, i’m child free, i want to be child free and so does my partner of almost 10 years. we don’t owe people the reason why we chose that way, same as we like some food, and some don’t. sometimes i think i’d love to be older,
40-something or 50-something so that it won’t be a topic anymore and ppl won’t try to convince me to their different opinion :)
hugs from poland! 🥰